Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Lilac Crème Brûlée

Lilac Crème Brûlée

                Ingredients                Yield: 4 150ml (5fl.oz) portions
  • 6g (3 Tbsp)            Lilac Flowers (fresh)
  • 80g (1/3c+1Tbsp) Brown Sugar (optional)
  • 4                            Egg Yolks
  • 60g (1/4c+2tsp)    Granulated Sugar
  • 500ml (2c+2Tbsp) Heavy Cream
  • 5ml (1tsp)              Vanilla Extract
  1. Place cream in a pot on medium-high heat and bring just below a boil.
  2. While waiting for cream to come up to temperature, whip egg yolks and granulated sugar until they lighten in colour and the sugar dissolves.
  3. Once the cream has come up to temperature gradually whisk it into the egg yolk mixture. Whisk in vanilla after cream is added.
  4. Divide equally into 4 custard cups. Place the cups in a pan lined with a wet towel to prevent them from moving. Fill the pan halfway up with boiling water.
  5. Bake in a preheated 325 degree Fahrenheit oven for 20-30 minutes, 25 minutes being the sweet spot. To tell if it is cooked jiggle the cup and if it splashes up the sides it is not cooked. If just the centre wiggles a bit it is cooked.
  6. Remove from the pan of water and refrigerate until cold, 4-8 hours.
  7. While the custard is cooling, lower oven temperature to 150-175 degrees Fahrenheit and dry out brown sugar on a sheet pan lined with parchment paper until it has a similar texture of granulated sugar (or spread brown sugar out a day before and just let it air dry but this will depend on how humid it is). Once the sugar has dried crush it to remove any large lumps. This is an optional step as you can just use granulated sugar.
  8. Once the custard has cooled, sprinkle a thin layer of sugar on top, and by using a torch, caramelize the sugar by heating it up evenly until a layer of caramel covers the top. (Tip: Never leave the flame in one spot constantly move it around) You can also do this under a broiler.
  9. Serve and enjoy!
Check out the video!

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